Person-Self Reflectors

The Person-Self Reflectors enable you to identify and explore any inherent tensions that you may be experiencing between your perceptions of another person and your perceptions of your self. To use the Person-Self Reflectors, you simply choose the results of one of your Archegyral Person Identifiers or Illuminators and also the results of one of your Archegyral Self Identifiers or Illuminators, and an Archegyral Aspect Person-Self grid will be created for you.

Perceptions and Perspectives

Working with an Archegyral Reflector enables you to move from potentially biased perceptions into wider and validated perspectives. The information supplied in an Archegyral Reflector Grid is not intended as a prescriptive judgement of how your connections are and how they were always be. Instead, an Archegyral Reflector Grid enables you to understand the nature of the tensions that you are experiencing along the boundaries between your inner and your outer world, and the inner and outer worlds of other people.